We seem to have a hard time keeping everyone up to date with pictures of the kids, and everyone knows that we're terrible with calling and letting everyone know what's new in our lives, so we thought we'd give this a shot! Enjoy!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Tag...you're it!

So, thanks to my friend Julie, I now know what "tagging" means in computer world! If you're reading this, and you aren't sure, I'll quote her explanation "Here are the rules:Link to the person that tagged you, and post the rules on your blog. Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs. Let each person know that they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog."! I'm going to try to think of 7 facts about myself, but I'll tell you all upfront that I'm not going to be able to tag 7 people at the end...I don't know 7 people with blogs...how sad is that?!

1. I almost never, ever, ever participate in "chain letters", "pass this along to your closest friends" or any other emails or messages that I get. Not sure why, maybe I just don't like the pressure to respond. I can't explain either why I broke that rule for this one...I must just like to see Julie happy!

2. My two closest girlfriends, the ones who I can tell almost anything to and who probably know me best are two people whom I've never met in real life...yet. There will be a girls weekend sometime when all of the kids get a bit older, and then look out!

3. I know that this will probably not sit well with some, but I'm probably one of the most un-environmental person you will meet. It's not that I don't care, I guess I'm just lazy. I know, it will come back to haunt me someday, until then I'll just continue to hang my head in shame!

4. I'm jealous of all of the blogs that I read that are so well thought out and sound so deep and full of meaning. I can barely keep my blog up to date and it's mostly pictures of the kids, imagine if I actually tried to write something that got people thinking, you'd never see me on here!

5. I have always wanted to be a teacher, and I'm still holding out hope that it can still happen someday. I'm telling myself I can start some courses when the kids get into school, maybe if I can ever go part time at work. The thought of retiring from the bank 30 years from now depresses me, this is not what I want to be when I grow up.

6. I am always making up songs with the kids, a trait that Adam seems to have inherited. Unfortunately, it seems like he may also have picked up my lack of singing ability, but we both give it our best effort.

7. I am always tired. I try to pass it off on the fact that I have 3 kids and a full time job, but I remember being tired in high school as well. I love my weekend naps, I could sleep for hours if the kids would let me.

Okay, that's it! Hope I didn't put anyone to sleep because now it's your turn. Here are my "tags":


Fall Fun!

Although it's only been a month since I last posted, it seems like alot longer. I guess it's because we seemed to skip entirely over autumn and have jumped right into winter. It's cold and there has been a little bit of snow, and I'm already so sick of winter! So, I'll take a minute now to think about what we did over the last month, when the weather was still warm enough for t-shirts outside, and the kids didn't need coats over their costumes on Hallowe'en. Ahhh, the good old days!

We took the kids to a Corn Maze just outside of Hamilton a couple of weeks before Hallowe'en. We had gone last year, but Michael was still in his cast, and of course David was just a few months old. What a difference a year makes! It was great to see Michael running around with Adam, they both had a blast. David had a bit of a nap while we were in the maze, but woke up just in time to visit the animals farm, I think he opened his eyes to find a big cow staring into his stroller!

Hallowe'en was fun, this is really the first year that Michael has understood the whole concept. David had been battling a cough and fever for a while, so he wasn't too happy (as you can see from the pictures), but he was a trooper while Adam and Michael went trick or treating, even though it was way past his bedtime. I'm not a big fan of the whole thing, so I'm so happy that it's done for another year!