We seem to have a hard time keeping everyone up to date with pictures of the kids, and everyone knows that we're terrible with calling and letting everyone know what's new in our lives, so we thought we'd give this a shot! Enjoy!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Fall Fun!

Although it's only been a month since I last posted, it seems like alot longer. I guess it's because we seemed to skip entirely over autumn and have jumped right into winter. It's cold and there has been a little bit of snow, and I'm already so sick of winter! So, I'll take a minute now to think about what we did over the last month, when the weather was still warm enough for t-shirts outside, and the kids didn't need coats over their costumes on Hallowe'en. Ahhh, the good old days!

We took the kids to a Corn Maze just outside of Hamilton a couple of weeks before Hallowe'en. We had gone last year, but Michael was still in his cast, and of course David was just a few months old. What a difference a year makes! It was great to see Michael running around with Adam, they both had a blast. David had a bit of a nap while we were in the maze, but woke up just in time to visit the animals farm, I think he opened his eyes to find a big cow staring into his stroller!

Hallowe'en was fun, this is really the first year that Michael has understood the whole concept. David had been battling a cough and fever for a while, so he wasn't too happy (as you can see from the pictures), but he was a trooper while Adam and Michael went trick or treating, even though it was way past his bedtime. I'm not a big fan of the whole thing, so I'm so happy that it's done for another year!

1 comment:

Julie B said...

Love the photos! Poor David, he looks so miserable in the Halloween shot. Is he feeling better? The girls STILL have their cough...

I am not much of a fan of Halloween, its too much of a worry right now with Mara but I do love the dressing up part :)