aka: Captain Cling-on, Sir Sickie, Hank the Crank
Well, David has croup...again. So much for the doctor's assurance last time that kids usually only get it once, this is the 2nd time in 3 weeks that he's had it! We spent 3 1/2 hours at emergency on Thursday night (10 pm - 1:30 am), none of which he slept for. Of course he was up at his usual time of 6:30 am on Friday morning, which meant so was I. It was a really long day on Friday, I stayed home with him and basically listened to him whine while I carried him around. Last night he coughed in his sleep for most of the night, so we've had another "sad sack" morning. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this is it for him, I'd hate to think that this was going to be how our winter goes!
Ugh Lisa! I feel so bad for David- and YOU! How long can this last?
I really hope you are able to get some rest this weekend, I am sure you are just exhausted! My fingers are crossed for you as well, hopefully this will be it for this winter!
Hopefully I'll be able to email you back this weekend. Greg actually took the girls out of the house for the day so that I can get my studying done, which I desperately need to do! They actually went to the train museum again with Greg's sister and kids-who are visiting from New Jersey.
OK, back to work for me, but hopefully I'll be in touch soon..I just didn't want you to think I forgot about you :)
I tagged you...go to my site and get the specifics! Participate only if you want to!
(and I want an update on how your all doing!)
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